Monday, July 30, 2007

Sunday Fun Day!

Early Sunday morning, Joro and Panchang (pet name for Aliyah... hehehe) played in the bedroom....
Later in the evening, after Nirro's power nap, we dressed up for the 6pm Mass. This photo was taken while Nirro and Lola Baby was watching cartoons. We did dress up a little early so we let the time pass by watching cartoons. =)

After the mass, Lolo Ben bought the kids a Happy Meal from McDonalds. And guess what's the free toy now? Pokemon Stuff! Pens and Pokeballs. More than that, they are also designed to release a round thing with pointed tips that makes it spin, sort of like an innovative version of a "TOP", a kind of toy we used to have back in our time. The kids surely had a fun time playing with them and trying to outdo each other's pokemon --- the last to stop spinning wins the battle!

The new Pokemon Toys from McDonalds... (free plugging huh...)
Five (5) new pokemons I bought for Nirro last Thursday.... The last was "Pikachu", he does have one already but here, pikachu was on a different pose. Pikachu is the original and lead pokemon. He is under the care of Ash, the lead character... =)

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