Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Nirro's Pokemon Collection... NOW!

This is Nirro's Pokemon Collection at present... they are about almost 300 already! and still counting ....Everyday, there's always a new character we get to buy... hehehe... in the future they might be worth hundreds of thousands huh? =)

Actually, it has become my "passion" as well to collect these pokemons for him and arrange them altogether. Hopefully, he appreciates the "growth" of his pokemon collection and learn to take care and value each of those "characters". It's actually nice to see him pick the characters from the shelf and just choose which of those to play with for the day, and then return them to their places afterwards. I just arrange it again evenly at night. This way, he also gets to see if there's a missing "pokemon" and take pains in finding them in the places he played in, like in the bedroom or in Tita Joan's house. =)

Other updates: Nirro's been having a stuffy nose, a case of his allergic rhinitis condition - read as: allergy to dust mites, dusts and the like...

Other than that, the past two (2) days were okay. He's got no classes last Monday because it was the day for the SONA - read as: State-Of-the-Nation-Address by PGMA.

Hope his colds will be over soon though...

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